1) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is discusssed in Quran for 63 times.
2) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)'s Father name was Azar .
3) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is discusssed in Quran in 25 Surats.
4) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is also called as Khalilullah.
5) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) lived for 175 Years.
6) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was the first one in Prophets whom bread whiten first.
7) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was the first one who said Allah Hu Akbar.
8) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was the first one who Miswaked .
9) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was the first one who cut his lower belly's hair.
10) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was the first one who cut his underarm's hair.
11) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)'s father did'nt belive him.
12) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) married to 3 women .
13) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was 100 years old when he was put into the Namrud's Fire.
14) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) remained in fire for 40 days.
15) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was the only prophet who migrated twice.
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Samiullah Abbasi

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