Here comes the fun part, now when you have eliminated your most of grammatical and punctuation mistakes, now is the time to tell you some basic ways by which you can sum up how you can make money. Though you have learn much till now and are ready to be hired by any (good and high paying) website but there is still something which you need to know like where to start? How to get clients? And furthermore similar questions.
make money by writing
Bidding Sites:
The very common suggestion is that you can make account on bidding sites such as FreelancerElanceOdesk or Cloudcrowd. What you will do there is just go to the site, sign up for an account and set up your profile picture or portfolio (which covers your work experience and all other stuff). Read terms and conditions for working without any violation of the site and set your payment option. Start searching through posted offers and after finding relevant job offer, bid on it and if your bid is selected by the owner of that job posting then you’ll be contacted by him/her. After completing the project you’ll be paid by him (through the site, not in personal).
If you are afraid about not having any previous experience then you can start blogging on your favorite topic to make your portfolio. Basically you will blog to show the potential client that you can write well and your posts will help you to convince the client to hire you. After when they contact you, you can discuss further about rates, timing and quantity of work to be done for them. And you don’t need to pay any hosting company for setting up a blog. There are free blogging platform which can help you in this regard i.e. BloggerWordPress and Tumblr.
Social Sites:
Social sites like FacebookGoogle Plus and LinkedIn are also a great platform to find potential clients. You can join groups which are made especially to help people like you and can get advice by the expert already working as online Content Writer or Ghost Writer.
How much you can earn:
Well this is a hard thing to find out due to different countries’ local rates and different opportunities around you. But as a general view, we found that a normal Online Writer i.e. Content Writer, Blog Writer or Ghost Writer earns an amount between $25,000 to $40,000/year as per
Tips for newbie writers:
As you are starting this from the scratch having no previous work experience, so you might find it difficult to get work or find it dramatically awesome to earn minimum $25,000 a year. but don’t be discouraged and be patient because it will take some time to you to get work and do not exaggerate your imagination about earning that big amount as this amount is not for newcomers but you can reach that amount if you work hard so I don’t think so that reaching that limit will take too much time at least 1 year is enough for that. Secondly, every job has its pros and cons so be alert and aware of scams. Don’t be discouraged by scammers who will not pay you. You will definitely find some people who will deceive you and cut off your rightful money and will disappear but stay alert and do not work with any person who has not shared his full details or if  he has not decided payment modes and terms of payment with you. And also do not work with anybody who seems to be suspicious near to you.
I will end up this post by this quotation from Aristotle “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
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Samiullah Abbasi

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